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About the Company

Welcome to The SoftLife Consulting Firm, where we help millennial women heal from toxic romantic relationships so they become the gentle & soft love they wish to receive.

At The SoftLife Consulting Firm, we’re all about taking your power back. We give you the tools to break free from toxic patterns, rebuild your self-worth, and create a life that demands the respect, love, nurture and support you yearn for. It’s time to cut the dead weight you've been dragging along for all of these years, reclaim your confidence, and step into your next chapter in life without shame, guilt or apology!

Join a community of women who have already started taking control of their future. Browse our self-help resources or book a 1-on-1 session with our Professional Soft Life Coach, Atiyah McDaniels, and start freeing yourself from the unhealthy binding of your past.

About the Founder

Atiyah(pronounced uh-tee-yuh) McDaniels is a Professional Life and Business Coach at SoftLife Consulting Firm LLC, committed to helping millennial women heal from toxic romantic relationships so they become the gentle & soft love they wish to receive

Initially starting her career as a Business Coach in 2019, Atiyah soon discovered her deeper passion for Life Coaching. After navigating her way out of a narcissistic relationship and embarking on a journey of self-discovery, she transitioned into Life Coaching. This personal journey inspired her to help women heal and release their mental and emotional baggage, encouraging them to shed defenses and reclaim their joy and inner self confidence before their trauma.

For the last 5 years, Atiyah has successfully coached over 1,000 clients and has been featured in numerous publications as a published author and transformational speaker. Her work emphasizes personal transformation and empowerment, encouraging women to recognize their worth and live authentically.

Atiyah’s holistic coaching approach focuses on internal growth, developing your inner strength, and self love. She inspires women to reclaim their power and build lives filled with purpose, guiding them toward becoming their best selves.

1:1 Support

Apply here to my 90-Day Private Life Coaching Program.

Featured In

Featured In

Latest Interview

Wealthy Women Network Interview With Life Coach Atiyah McDaniels

Latest Interview

Wealthy Women Network Interview With Life Coach Atiyah McDaniels


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Change Your Mindset Change Your Life
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Coffee Chat With Me
60 Min Zoom Session


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Change Your Mindset Change Your Life
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Coffee Chat With Me
60 Min Zoom Session

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